Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

A week and half ago, Will and I went to Tennessee/North Carolina for about 4 days. Our friends Whopper and Caris got married in Asheville. We tagged on a few more days to be in Knoxville and be with our family. Here is us and Will's roommates from college and their wives, also our favorite people to be around in the world, after the rehearsal dinner.

Saturday, as the boys were off doing the things groomsmen do, us girls sat around the breakfast table at windy gap talking and drinking coffee. We then strolled through Asheville and we ate a yummy lunch at the Early Girl. My time with them was really great for my heart.

Here's Whopper standing waiting for his beautiful bride! Loved this whole wedding!

 Here's Will and I with our friends the future Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Corum!
Love them!

The Bride and Groom!

And my favorite thing about this wedding, besides the people, were all the flowers!!

My camera, sadly, then died. 
We had a baby shower for Knox the next day in Knoxville! I wanted it to never end, all these people in one room, there for us and our new family member. I started to weep then and do again now as I realized that these people won't be in Knox's everyday life and Knox won't be in their everyday lives. I don't know who will really know Knox, other than Will and I down here in Houston. It was a hard thought to take in, sitting in front of 60 people, with all eyes on you. I'm thankful for that moment and those people, their generousity, their hearts, our excitement, our nervousness, and our time in tn/nc.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The weeks here go by so fast. Every Monday I think, "I can't believe it's Monday again already!" It's already half way through October. Good Gosh. Here's to another beautifully crazy Monday Night!

Will and I are way past juicing and gone to eating the real thing. We read this book called, Food Matters by Mark Bittman. Basically he says eat less meat, don't eat processed foods, and eat a lot of fruit and veggies, that way you'll help preserve this earth and your bodies. It just got us thinking.

So, on his birthday this past Monday, we joined a Co-op. We reserve a box about once a week and pick it up at the park. This week we had eggplant, romaine, spinach, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, avocado, lemon, thyme basil, apples, oranges, kiwi, pears, tomatoes, and green onions. We went  straight from the park to my all-time favorite grocery store, Central Market. We brought our How to Cook Everything Vegetarian Cookbook along with us and planned our meal based on what was in the box. This week has been fun, basing our meals on what veggies we have left. My only complaint is I've had a enough zucchini to last me awhile. We made a veggie ratatouille (which also had for lunch the days following), zucchini pancakes, and zucchini bread. I bet Knox loves it too. 

Oh yeah. After too many conversations over meals, in the late night hours, in the car, as we're watching tv, and on the phone, we decided on a name...

Knox Wilson Odom. 

We had a top 5 but neither of us were crazy on one name, so we let it lie, hoping one would catch our attention, hopefully before the birth. Knox  wasn't even in our top 5, but then one day as we're eating sandwiches, Will asked, "What about Knox?" We had brought the name up early on in the pregnancy and I had shot it down. But sitting there at Which Wich, I said, "I think I really like it!" After thinking about it for a few days, we put our stamp of approval on it. I was excited for a few reasons but mainly to just have one picked out and to not to have think about it anymore! I had no idea  that I would feel so much responsibility about a name!