Our banquet was coming up that Friday. Lord knows what was going on in Will. He graciously took the day off, when who knows how much was on his to-do list. I let myself be sad for the next 2-3 days, but honestly I was just so grateful for what the Lord has already given me through Knox and realized how miraculous life really is. I've already loved how it has become part of my story. Thanks to those who were happy with us, for being sad with us, and grateful with us.
Our banquet was awesome! I left with such a full heart... A table of girl's parents who I'd been hanging out with over the past year all came and graciously gave. They believe in me, the impact Jesus is making in their daughter's lives, and want to support us. I just felt so encouraged. Will did too. Will did so awesome for his first banquet as Area Director. I was so proud. God has given him a gift of storytelling and connecting with people, no matter their age. That night we stayed up late eating junk food and counting the donations. It felt like Christmas morning!
Knox is almost 10 1/2 months old! I'm starting to think of his first birthday party. He is the fastest crawler I've ever seen. His favorite thing is crawling around the club room before club. Wide open spaces. He also loves bananas, taking everything out of cabinets and crawling into them, sipping out of a straw, his blanket, playing with "Uno" cards, to try and grab your tongue, and of course his mama. Here is a few pics to catch you up.
His new toy gym we got him from Costco.
oh and how can I forget halloween?! He was a truck driver...