Saturday, May 25, 2013

Well, we are here!

We made it to camp two days ago and the work crew and summer staff got in yesterday. We are ready for camp! Will's blood is pumping, just so excited for kids to get here. Tomorrow starts Day 1 of camp. Our Knoxville friends are coming tomorrow and I'm really excited to hug some familiar faces. 

Knox is smitten with camp. And camp (guys and girls) are smitten with him. He is curious and an explorer. ie watch him at ALL times. He can't do much other than walk around, mingle, and throw balls, so that's what we do most of the day. He had a ROUGH first night here. I mean up, off and on, crying from 11:30-3am. I dont blame him. It was cold, the air so thin and dry, and in an unfamiliar room by himself, I wouldn't sleep good either. I just kept praying over and over again, "Lord, give him peace. give him rest." But last night I did every precaution I could think of: got a space heater, filled humidifier, and sprayed saline in his nose. And I only had to go in once, which compared to the night before was nothing.

The stairs here are killin me. I mean there's my outta shape self, my almost 29 week McCabe belly, and a 25 lb. toddler I usually have to carry up the stairs so he doesn't take a tumble to his death. Let's just say, I'm winded and sore. 

Will has been hard at work since we got here, but I'm soaking in getting to eat meals with him before campers get here. Knox has really taken a liking to Will in the past couple of days. It might have something to do with him working a lot but he will say "papa. Papa" wondering where he is and we when we do see him he runs to him. Melt my heart. I love my odom boys. 

Pray for our vision to be focused on serving, endurance for us all, that Knox would sleep better, and carving out time with the Lord when all of us would probably rather be sleeping. I'll keep ya posted on how week 1 goes!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

life lately...

Well the school year has come to a close... and summer has begun. We leave for Frontier a week from today. eeeekk! We're getting our bodies and minds ready for our month long adventure in Colorado. Knox however has taken a few steps back... today we found out he has bronchitis. We got antibiotics and Robitussin so hopefully he can shake this before we leave! He's great other than a nasty cough and a lil sleep deprived. Other than being a wild man, his new things he loves are:

playing in the driveway/garage/backyard
going to petsmart to look at the dogs
chicken nuggets
his shoes
quacking like a duck and roaring like a lion
and babies!!!!

Since Knox has been born, I think I've cooked like 3 meals. We either eat something like cereal, eat out, or Will cooks. I've wanted to provide for my family in that way, I just lost ambition (and energy). But this week, I got inspired (thanks to pinterest), and cooked the last 3 nights.

Me: I have planned out our meals for the week! You might not like them, but you will eat them.
Will: That's what I'm talking about.

With all that to say, I'm super proud of myself.

We have also picked a name for baby girl! Her name is McCabe Louise Odom.
 I love it. Back story of her name... When I began college at UT (Univ. of Tenn, duh) I got involved in a small group and my leader's name was Erin McCabe (but we all called her McCabe). In such a pivotal year, (especially for a new believer) she encouraged me, loved me, and pointed me towards Christ. From her I learned so much about how to be relational and present with people. I am forever grateful for who she was to me in that one year and for the years after. So, I couldn't think of a better name for our little girl. Thanks to Buddy and Kathie we painted her room a peach color a few weeks ago and I'm in love with it. Right now, it's our family dance/run around room, because there's nothing in it yet. Little less than 3 months for her arrival. phew! You can take your time getting here August. Now I'm to help Will make his game character costumes, a Ding Dong and Twinkie. (No, that was not auto corrected wrong)